Why to Expect a Robust Deal Scene for the Rest of 2024

26 juin 2024


Curtis Cusinato speaks with Law.com about what the second half of 2024 will look like for M&A deal activity in Canada. He says, “We’re expecting a very robust second half of the year.”

There are a “few billion dollars of deals going to auction” in various industries, Curtis says. Some of these should have been done last year or in the first half of 2024, but the market wasn’t “receptive” to the starting of the sales process, particularly in terms of private equity sponsor-led exits. Curtis anticipates seeing deals and busier lawyers “across the board,” from small cap through mid-cap to large caps.

Breaking it down by sectors, Curtis says that on top of mining, more activity can be expected in fintech, infrastructure, and AI-related companies for action in the second half of 2024.

Restructuring groups have been pretty flat out this year, he adds, expecting that to translate into a fair bit of M&A. “It may be a part of a court-supervised process, it may be as part of a straight-out distressed exit, but we’re seeing more activity on that and I expect that to continue."

Law.com subscribers can read the full story here.

"Canadian Lawyers Eyeing 'Robust' Deal Scene for Rest of 2024" was written by Gail J. Cohen.

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