
B.C. Releases its Climate Action Plan, CleanBC

December 10, 2018


Written By David Bursey, Thomas W. McInerney, Sharon G.K. Singh and Charlotte Teal

On December 5, 2018, the British Columbia government announced its climate action plan, CleanBC, which explains how the government intends to meet the province’s legislated emissions reduction targets (CleanBC Plan).

The CleanBC Plan targets emissions reductions from transportation, buildings, waste, and industry and restates the government’s intentions presented in the Clean Transportation, Clean, Efficient Buildings, and the Clean Growth Program for Industry discussion papers issued in early 2018. The plan offers few details beyond those presented in the discussion papers; which is unsurprising since the government seeks to engage with various stakeholders, including industry, and other governments.

This update summarizes the cleaner industry and cleaner transportation initiatives.

The CleanBC Plan aims to meet the province’s emissions reduction targets updated in May 2018. Using 2007 as the baseline, B.C. is targeting reductions of:

The government estimates that the industry, buildings and transportation initiatives in the CleanBC Plan combined will reduce the province’s emissions by 18.9 Mt, or 75 percent of the province’s 2030 climate target, with the remaining 6.1 Mt to be achieved through other initiatives currently being planned.

CleanBC Plan Industry Highlights

The CleanBC Plan is both a harbinger of opportunities and risks if industry fails to respond to the proposed changes.


The CleanBC Plan proposes to:

Cleaner Transportation

CleanBC emphasizes cleaner transportation:

Next Steps

In 2019, the government will conduct a new round of engagement to inform the next steps of CleanBC Plan, roll-out associated programs, and introduce enabling legislation. Through its partnerships with associations, collaboration with advisory councils, and other organizations, the finer details regarding the CleanBC Plan will become available. The cost of the CleanBC Plan is expected to be released in Budget 2019.


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