
Union of B.C. Municipalities Push for Campaign Finance and Lobbying Reform

October 10, 2017


Written By Sharon G.K. Singh, James Struthers, David Bursey and Milos Barutciski

The Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) held their annual convention between September 25 and September 28, 2017, discussing several policies and reforms, including election and lobbying reform at the municipal level. The UBCM is a union of more than 150 municipalities, respective regional districts, and First Nations in British Columbia. This year's convention theme, 'Roots to Results', touched on the recognition of municipal influence on policy matters within provincial and federal jurisdiction.

Resolutions Addressing Elections and Lobbying

Several resolutions touching on municipal elections and lobbying were tabled and endorsed at the 2017 UBCM Convention. The resolutions propose changes to municipal laws on elections and lobbying, that align with recently proposed provincial reforms limiting campaign financing and instituting tighter restrictions and licensing requirements for lobbyists.

At the 2017 convention, the UBCM endorsed resolutions that would:

Current State of Affairs

The convention minutes set out the current state of affairs in British Columbia, and the reasons for the proposed reform, noting that:

How Will the Resolutions Affect Reform?

How the province will respond to these resolutions remains to be seen. If implemented, these changes may have a substantial impact on the ability of private stakeholders to influence municipal policymaking. Given the influence of UBCM and its respective members on provincial elections, the endorsed UBCM resolutions carry heavy political weight.

We will continue to provide updates as potential reforms to political finance and lobbying unfold.


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