Len Griffiths Elected as First Member of the American College of Environmental Lawyers Outside the United States

May 23, 2024


Bennett Jones is pleased to announce that Len Griffiths, of our Toronto office, has been elected as the first international fellow of the American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL). As ACOEL’s first Canadian member, Len expects lively dialogue with his colleagues on legal and regulatory issues on both sides of the border, and spirited debate on the critical role of the letter “u” in spelling, soda versus pop, and the correct usage of “eh.”

Based in Washington, D.C., ACOEL is a professional association of lawyers who practise environmental law. Membership is by invitation only, and members are recognized by their peers as preeminent in their field. ACOEL’s members uphold the highest standards of ethical practice, contribute to the administration of justice, and foster the development of environmental law through focused outreach and education across all forums—federal, state, municipal, tribal, international, and now provincial.

Len’s election makes him ACOEL’s first member outside the United States. Congratulations to Len on this prestigious recognition!

The full press release by ACOEL is available here.

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