
Strategic Shifts: Will Québec be Able to Reshape its Infrastructure Projects Enabling Legislation?

May 22, 2024


Written By Yannick Beaudoin, Alexis Fol and Chloe Cho

Québec continues to grapple with a metaphorical “perfect storm” in its infrastructure and project world. Several factors converge at the same time, such as:

Faced with such a storm, the Québec government is proposing some solutions to address the challenges.

On May 9, 2024, Québec witnessed a significant legislative development with the tabling of two crucial bills aimed at transforming the province's public infrastructure projects. Ministers Geneviève Guilbault and Jonatan Julien introduced Bill-61 and Bill-62, respectively, each proposing strategic changes to how major infrastructure projects are procured and executed.

Bill-61, introduced by Minister Guilbault, seeks to establish Mobilité Infra Québec, a new state agency dedicated to enhancing public transit project management.

On the other hand, Bill-62, spearheaded by Minister Julien, focuses on diversifying procurement strategies and increasing agility in the execution of public infrastructure projects by various governmental bodies.

These initiatives collectively represent a pivotal shift in Québec’s approach to developing its public infrastructure landscape.

Highlights of Bill 61

Bill-61 outlines several key changes aimed at enhancing the planning and execution of public transit infrastructure:

Highlights of Bill 62

Bill-62 introduces significant updates to the procurement and management of major public infrastructure projects in Québec:

Potential Implications for the Infrastructure Sector

What’s Next

As the legislative session approaches its summer recess on June 7, 2024, the timeline for the adoption of both bills remains tight. The coming months will be crucial in determining the trajectory of these transformative measures.


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