The Bridge

2024 Bennett Jones Alumni Magazine

Our annual alumni newsletter, The Bridge, includes updates on the latest developments at Bennett Jones and highlights our alumni in a series of where-are-they-now profiles—keeping you connected with past and present colleagues.


Exploring Our Recent Insights

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Economic Outlook

This biannual report and presentation from our Governmental Affairs and Public Policy group provides our clients with a unique, in-depth insight into the current and future state of the Canadian and global economies to help inform business planning.

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Class Actions: Looking Forward

This annual report unpacks notable development from the past year and considers the future of Canada's class actions landscape.

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Fintech in Canada

This update focuses on the current issues that are shaping this rapidly evolving industry and what they mean for fintech companies and investors.

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Quarterly M&A Insights

These reports provide a comprehensive overview and analysis for M&A activity and business trends in Canada.

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New Energy Economy

This series focuses on the future of Canada's energy industry and will look at key developments and what they mean for businesses and investors.

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