Sébastien is a technology lawyer and registered trademark agent who advises clients both domestically and internationally on all matters relating to the management and commercialization of intellectual property. His extensive experience includes: (i) negotiating IP aspects of major mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures; (ii) licensing IP rights; (iii) creating strategic alliances and joint ventures; and (iv) advising on outsourcing arrangements.
In addition, Sebastien is a Certified Information Privacy Professional for Canada (CIPP/C) who regularly advises on privacy, data protection and information security, including risk identification and management, as well as incident preparedness and response.
He works with clients in a broad range of industries, such as automotive, aviation, energy, biotechnology, financial services, entertainment, pharmaceutical and information technology.
In university, Sébastien earned numerous scholarships and awards, including the John Hart Ely Prize for Outstanding Performance in Law, Science and Technology Colloquium, the Talisman Energy Inc. Undergraduate Scholarship in Law, and the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship.
Sébastien is currently a director of UNICEF Canada as well as the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund (OCIF). He was also a director of the Westmount Charter School Society and the Calgary International Film Festival Society, and served as the vice-chair of the Calgary Parking Authority.