In co-operation with many legal and trade associations, we are at the forefront of Canada’s government contract investment and procurement opportunities and related public policy and political trends.
Our team specializes in procurement development, laws and regulations in defence, technology, consulting, and security industries who provide national defence, construction/public infrastructure projects, and related strategic goods and services.
We have acted for the Federal Government, the Prime Minister's office, the Department of National Defence, and numerous provinces in public sector procurement transactions.
We consistently retain our pre-eminence in this space through the comprehensive assessment and preparation of our client’s government contracting needs to adapt to Canada's unique legal and regulatory landscape.
Our full-service offering includes:
- guidance on defence and national security laws, regulations and policy;
- procurement processes, laws and regulations; including RFI, RFQ, and RFP, contract advice, and proposal contents;
- procurement audits, investigations, challenges, disputes, and related litigation, including CITT bid challenges and judicial review;
- procurement integrity (anti-foreign corruption) policy and related vendor prohibitions;
- National Security Assessments of foreign investors; assist clients with national security clearances, such as PWGSC industrial security clearance program;
- Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, especially related to ongoing support maintenance, customization, and next generation adoption training and highly skilled services;
- government contracting, including R&D transactions, development projects, and related commercial transactions;
- trade law matters, including all competition law, subsidies and countervail, and market access matters;
- export control laws, regulations and policies; all permit applications, protection of intellectual property assets, trade secrets, and industrial know-how;
- all tax and customs related matters, including transfer pricing, tariffs, and tax treaty matters;
- international and domestic anti-corruption compliance, including investigations and prosecutions under the CFPOA and coordination with foreign counsel in FCPA and related matters;
- public and private sector corporate governance related to security matters, cybersecurity, secured communications, IT security compliance best practices, ICT supply chain security, integrity, due diligence and related commercial and contractual strategies; and
- corporate governance and industrial espionage, including employee clearances and monitoring programs.