Mixed Success at the B.C. Supreme Court in Rare Common Issues Trial in Employment Class Action

September 26, 2024

While applications for certification of class proceedings are commonplace, trials to decide certified common issues on their merits are comparatively rare. The decision in one such common issues trial was recently released in Escobar v Ocean Pacific Hotels Ltd., 2024 BCSC 1575, in a class action brought on behalf of hourly employees of a Vancouver hotel who stopped receiving regular shifts after the outbreak of COVID-19. Success was split between class members and the defendant.

B.C. Supreme Court Confirms that British Columbia's No-Costs Rule Does Not Apply to Pre-Certification Applications

September 17, 2024

British Columbia is often referred to as a "no costs" jurisdiction for class proceedings because section 37 of the B.C. Class Proceedings Act creates a presumptive no-costs regime in British Columbia for certification applications and after actions have been certified as class proceedings. This is in contrast to some other provinces, such as Ontario, where there is no such rule. However, two recent decisions from the British Columbia Supreme Court confirm that the normal cost rules still apply in British Columbia prior to certification, including to pre-certification applications that are heard concurrently with certification.

Superior Court of Quebec Warns of the Risks of Making Settlement Approval Contingent on Approval of Class Counsel Fees

September 06, 2024

In Walid c. Compagnie Nationale Royal Air Maroc, 2024 QCCS 2674, the Superior Court of Quebec refused to approve a settlement agreement because Class Counsel’s fees were unreasonable and excessive, even though the settlement was otherwise fair, reasonable and in the interest of class members, and no class member objected. This case is a reminder to parties of the risks of settlement agreements under which approval of the settlement is contingent on approval of Class Counsel fees.

Ontario Court of Appeal Affirms that Class Actions Cannot be Certified Without Evidence of Common Issues

August 26, 2024

In Lilleyman v Bumble Bee Foods LLC, 2024 ONCA 606, the Ontario Court of Appeal affirmed the motion judge’s dismissal of certification for a class action alleging price-fixing of canned tuna. The Court unanimously affirmed that representative plaintiffs must meet a two-step evidentiary test to satisfy the commonality requirement of section 5(1)(c) of the Ontario Class Proceedings Act, 1992: there must be some basis in fact that the proposed common issues (1) actually exist, and (2) can be answered in common across the entire class. The Court described this approach as “a matter of logic and common sense.”

Ontario Superior Court Decides Bellwether Individual Issues Trials in Class Action

July 23, 2024

In Reddock v Attorney General of Canada, 2024 ONSC 3238, the Ontario Superior Court released a post-common issues trial decision regarding the additional damages, if any, five plaintiffs were entitled to as a result of the placements in administrative segregation in Canadian prisons.